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Wire Heart Wedding Centrepieces

I used these wire hearts for my table plan (shown below). It took me aaages and a lot of phone calls to track some down, but it was well worth to see our guests peering amongst the daisies (that my mum grew for us - thanks Mum!) to find their seats... We use the hearts to hold photos at home now - they look gorgeous poking out of pot plants. I've collected a few images of them being used as table number holders too and wanted to share them with you; they look perfect teamed with a postcard or simple home print out. Poke them in your flower centrepieces, empty wine bottles or vintage teapots (!) and you're ready to go...

wire hearts

Clockwise from top left: 1. Rock My Wedding 2. Tarah Coonan 3. The Traditional Flower Company 4. Wedding in a Teacup 5. Rock My Wedding

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