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In the Printed Press, the rest of 2014

Now we're nearing the end of 2014 (how did that happen?!) we thought that it was about time we shared some more of the exciting magazine coverage that we've been lucky enough to get this year. We love doing these blog posts because it always means we're forced to flick through all of these beautiful magazines with a nice cup of tea... We love them and their pretty pictures! Click on the page to be taken through to the featured product:

sept brideBrides Magazine, Sept/Oct 2014

perfectweddingjulyPerfect Wedding, July 2014

creativebridesCreative Brides, Autumn/Winter 2014

WI AprilWedding Ideas, April 2014

scottThe Best Scottish Weddings, Oct 2014

PW octPerfect Wedding, Oct 2014

brides novBrides Magazine, Nov/Dec 2014

wedding augustWedding, Aug-Sept 2014

WI June 14Wedding Ideas, June 2014

perfectPerfect Wedding, Nov 2014

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