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Grow The Love

We've been adding lots of new products to the site over the last few weeks, so do have a mooch around and let us know what you think! When these gorgeous luggage tag cupcake sticks arrived, we thought - why limit them to cupcakes? Always keen on bringing the outside in, we love the idea of finding a little plant to take home on your plate - use the cupcake sticks to write your guests' names on, decorate with a personalised 'let the love grow' sticker and viola! You have a place-name, eco favour & table decoration in one ♥


Worried about them being too bulky for partying guests? We love this idea found on Style Me Pretty; if you're using them as place-names set up a table where your guests can pop them for safe keeping, or simply make a display of them for your guests to pick up at the end of the night if you've already got your place names sorted...


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